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3PM Services GmbH - ESG Strategy 2023

This report contains our strategic ESG orientation, the status quo as well as defined measures to achieve the goals we have set ourselves. Based on our corporate values, we have developed a catalogue of measures in the following strategy paper, which is oriented towards our guidelines of professional corporate culture as well as our understanding of responsible and sustainable corporate governance.

A new tradition

Sustainability has always been important to us – reporting on it, on the other hand, is new to us. As an owner-managed company that is not directly affected by the taxonomy, but still wants to make a voluntary contribution, we must therefore first ask ourselves the question: What do we want to achieve and who do we want to reach with this report? In doing so, we had to realise that a pure orientation towards the GRI reporting standard does not meet our needs. At 3PM Services GmbH, sustainability is not only conveyed through key figures; the people involved and their motivation are just as important. In addition to our existing and potential new customers, we see our current and future employees as our most important stakeholders. Many of the following goals and measures were developed from ideas and thought-provoking impulses from within the company. Corporate culture should not be dictated from above, but rather developed and implemented jointly by the team. We also attach great importance to involving employees in the issue of sustainability – after all, they live and breathe sustainability every day at 3PM Services GmbH.

Sustainability as a goal

The energy and climate turnaround is a project of the century, because it is about nothing less than preserving the livelihoods of future generations. This is the responsibility that we must now face as a company. And here we see it as our duty to enable the energy turnaround and also to support our customers on their way to Net Zero. A careful use of resources, sustainable, efficient and digital energy solutions as well as the targeted reduction of greenhouse gas emissions – we have made these objectives our mission.
In this way, we want to make a difference for the generations that come after us. Because with our actions today, we are shaping the working and living spaces of tomorrow: every decision made in connection with the management of a property has an impact on the global climate of the coming decades. Sustainability should therefore be a central aspect in our decision-making.

Sustainability and social compatibility are the factors that are becoming increasingly important in the context of today’s investments through ESG – these criteria have recently started to flow into laws and contracts. As a result of the regulatory process established in this way, the understanding of sustainability has also undergone a fundamental change in the real estate industry. Whereas it used to take place only at the property level, where certificates for real estate still play a very important role, ESG must now be viewed holistically – it no longer focuses only on individual buildings, but additionally on all levels of management, on diverse processes and entire portfolios. We have therefore clustered our measures into two segments: company-related and client- or performance-specific measures. After all, the role ESG can play in a property is still largely determined by the asset plan of the client or investor.


Four Steps to Sustainability - Aiming at the UN's 2030 Agenda

We base our objectives on the UN’s 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Reason for this: The UN PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) or the SDGs are likely to remain the global benchmark for a long time, whereas the EU taxonomy, as a European regulation, can only have addressees in the EU. 1.


1. We will integrate ESG issues into the analysis and decision-making processes.

2. We will promote the acceptance and implementation of the principles in the real estate industry.

3. we will work together to increase our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.

4. We will report on our activities and progress in implementing the Principles.


Download the ESG Strategy 2023

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